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 Post subject: Injector problem
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:19 pm 
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I posted problem @ car not starting and no fuel spray from injectors. The pump was silent, bad pump right? As we were tearing out the old carpet in the back we found a connection on the left side between the speaker and the hatch cable NOT connected. Of course that was the problem with the pump but I replaced it with a new one with filter, etc. Still no fuel at injectors. Anyone know how to prime them?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:46 pm 
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BigDaddy, let me go out on a limb here: I actually had an issue with the 'computer' at some point, which showed as no starting/no spray in the injectors.. Now, i am not saying that this is the case with you, but: Do you hear the starter click ? If not, see if you get juice. My issue was that the 'computer' didnt send the signals to do anything. At the time, the shop just replaced the entire thing, without tracing further into what the issue actually was.. Let me know.

 Post subject: inj. problem
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:04 pm 
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I'm not really clear on what you mean by "starter clicking", but the engine is turning over but will not "fire". I changed the fuel filter last night & it was full of gas. I removed the inlet hose first & the filter, w/the outlet hose still attached, took several minutes to drain. I am assuming there is fuel in the line up to the injectors. Am I wrong?
Thanks for the reply & any additional thoughts are welcomed-

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:26 am 
BigD: Starter clicking is my 'non technical' way of describing the sound, when you turn the key, and the starter engages. If you had a dead battery, that wouldnt happen. Bear in mind, i am very much non technical when it comes to the cars bits.. :oops:
So, my way of working through is: Does the starter click? If yes, got battery and the CCC tells it to engage. Now, to your issue: If the engine turning over, tells me two things: A) Starter seems to be ok, and B) looks like the CCC is telling all parts to get going. Did you check to make sure the injectors arent clogged ? I heard that happens sometimes. Once i get home, i'll take out the shop manual and we can go through their diags chart to pinpoint whats wrong..

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:28 am 
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Dang, forgot to log in.. The cookies thing isnt working.. Sorry, yes that was me before.. :roll:

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:20 pm 
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From the Shop Manual (Page 6E-23, Fig. 6E-29, Engine Cranks, but will not run):
Make sure that
- Fuel tank quantity is OK
- Ignition ON
- Diagnostic Terminal isnt grounded
- Note the 'Check Engine Light'
if it is OFF , you should check the bulb (If the bulb is ok, and it's still OFF let me know, i'll go after that chart).
Assuming the CEL is ON:
- No Spray in either Injector (there are other options, but reading your prior note i am assuming neither is getting any)..
- The fuel pressure should be between 9-13 PSI
If you get that pressure you have to: Turn the Ignition ON, backprobe the the ECM connector Pin 2 HEI ckt 430 witha voltmeter and if it reads:
- steady battery voltage, you got a faulty HEI module
- less than 1.0 volt, the ckt 430 needs to be checked for open/ground (and if thats ok, your HEI connector is faulty, or the HEI distributor battery connector or wire is open, or a Faulty HEI connector/module.
- if it reads 1 to 2 volts, varying, your ECM connector is faulty.

If you get no pressure from the fuel pump, the fuse for the pump should be checked. If the fuse is ok, let me know, there is plenty more on that chart. :wink:
If you get less than 9 or more than 13 psi pressure, let me know, then we're off into another chart.

Ckt 430: Picture the ECM, there is a white connector (the big one), then there is a black connector (smaller, with 4 wires). On the black/smaller connector, the lower ckt should be 430 (it is labelled in the book as 2/Reference).

I know some of those diags are a bit obvious, but thats what it says in the manual. Happy hunting! If you need me to copy the pages, let me know (it might just take a day or so)..
Let us know how you make out.

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