Fuel Injector problelm
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Author:  basecar [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel Injector problelm

I have only one injector, the rear that works. I know the injectors work as I have switched them. Fuel is getting to the front but not into the injector. I change the fuel filer, pvc, etc and put in a bottle of injector prior to having this problem. Any ideas would be helpful.

Author:  macguyver [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  F.I.problem

Pretty sure you cant be swapping front & rear injectors,they have different P/N's and are listed as front and rear when you get them from a parts house. Dont know what your problem migt be, try the X-fire forum,everyone says they are realy sharp on stuff like that.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

The injectors are the same-front to back. The throttle bodies are different in that one contains the fuel regulator.


Author:  Desertdawg [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:04 am ]
Post subject: 

The injectors are different. there is definitly a front and back....

Here's the part numbers...
L83 injectors (350 Cross-Fire)
GM5233770*RPD (rear)
GM5233775*RPD (front)


Author:  macguyver [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  F.I.'S

I thought I was right, thanks Dawg!

Author:  Desertdawg [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

If you swapped the injectors from front to rear TB, and the front one is still not squirting fuel, then you need to check the electrical connections on top of the injector, and the other one on the TB...
If that doesn't help, then it may be time to get Marck (Twin Turbo) to pop in here and help solve your problem.

But you can always log into the CFI forum and you will get plenty of help there...

Author:  basecar [ Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel Injector Problem

I had found the injectors had diff #, swithched them back and thoroughly checked everything. Runs great, smooth, a little rough after starting until warmed up. Maybe somehow the line got clogged after I changed all the filters, put in injector cleaner, and new gas. By looking at the two injectors you can not tell they are diff, must be something internal. thanks for the info.

Author:  Desertdawg [ Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

The difference between them is the rear injector flows a little more than the front. (I think)

My second thought was that it sounded like you had a clog, but you posted that you had changed out the filters, so I sort of ruled it out...but there was that possibility that something could have blocked the inlet after the filter change.
Anyway, good to hear it's running better, the rough idle at start up could be telling you it's time to balance the TB's. When mine were off a little, I had a rough cold idle too...

Author:  fthefireman [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  tbi

you know there was a recall in 1983, on the tbi plate gasket. there was a problem with rough idle. i was having a problem with rough idle and finally read about the recall. however the part number on the gasket has been changed about 5 times. just thought i would add to this thread 8)

Author:  Desertdawg [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the info, would you have any other information about the recall for us? maybe a GM number for it...

Author:  bigdaddy [ Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  gelled fuel

I knew ignoring my beige beauty would end up biting me in the donkey! I neglected to put fuel stabilizer in the system & the injectors are clogged!!!!


Author:  basecar [ Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel Injector Problem

Has or does anyone use stabel (Spelling) in their tank all year long. It says it ok for fuel injection?

Author:  Desertdawg [ Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't needed to use it once yet, we (wife and me) drive the vette a couple of times a week. at least...Year round. :D

Author:  Guest [ Thu May 12, 2005 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes,I usually add a can of dry gas and an appropiate amount of Stabil and have done it twice before two Winters so far with no problems yet.I had to do something since the car is being restored slowly in my garage,but I do run it regularly.I don't have the bottle of Stabil handy to read it but I think it says it's O.K. for injectors also.

Author:  basecar [ Sat May 14, 2005 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel injectors

Stabil is used in cars more often but a new product (to me) that I've heard a little about is Sea Form. Anyone use it in their car, any feedback. I'm interested in if Sea Form is better than Stabil.

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