Finding threads of TPS adjustments???
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Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Finding threads of TPS adjustments???

Does anyone remember the thread discussing the adjustment of the TPS??

Edited Subject by Iron 82

Author:  BlackbirdZ07 [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, I can't help on that.

I do have a request however that relates to searching old threads. Could you please put an appropriate subject in your posts from now on? You've posted many great questions and there have been good answers with a lot of valuable information, but the subject on every one of them is "82 Collector". I was searching for a thread the other day and had to click on about a dozen "82 Collector" threads that were not what I was looking for. For example, the subject on this one should be "TPS adjustment" or "TPS adjustment thread". That would also make it easier for members with the particular knowledge you're looking for to see your thread, so they're more likely to stop in and offer help. I definitely don't mean this as criticism, it's just that you're a valuable active member and this would make the forum easier for everyone to use. :D

Author:  Iron 82 [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

BlackbirdZ07 wrote:
Sorry, I can't help on that.

I do have a request however that relates to searching old threads. Could you please put an appropriate subject in your posts from now on? You've posted many great questions and there have been good answers with a lot of valuable information, but the subject on every one of them is "82 Collector". I was searching for a thread the other day and had to click on about a dozen "82 Collector" threads that were not what I was looking for. For example, the subject on this one should be "TPS adjustment" or "TPS adjustment thread". That would also make it easier for members with the particular knowledge you're looking for to see your thread, so they're more likely to stop in and offer help. I definitely don't mean this as criticism, it's just that you're a valuable active member and this would make the forum easier for everyone to use. :D

Thanks for reminding me on doing that Blackbird. :P

I have made the correct new Subjects on threads that had 82 Collector on them. You will see my Edit on the bottom of that first thread made. :wink:

Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  82collector

Thanks to all of you , I think you are right I should have done that myself I really like the help I get here. I will do that in the future.

Save the Wave
Steve F

Author:  82ColEd [ Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I dont know enough to be sure that EFI and TPS are the same thing, but here is the article that talks about tuning the EFI.. ... em_tuning/

Also, i found a doc on the corvettefaq, by Lars.. Talks about C4's, but it might be related and is located in the C3 section of his great papers..

I hope someone can verify either, as i got no clue, just trying to help out.. :oops:

Author:  blondecollector [ Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mr. Warrior, the TPS adjustment is fairly straightforward. It involves setting a voltage across two of the wires from the sensor. You will need a digital voltmeter and about 30 minutes. Both of the Vettes I have set at about a ½ a volt +/- very little.

And believe it or not it makes a big difference in throttle response. Check and clean the idle air motor too so the engine idles nice and smooth. :wink: I can’t insert a file here or attach one to a PM so PM me with an email address and I will attach the official GM instructions.

8) :arrow:

Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  TPS Adjustment

Thank you very much for your help. E-mail address is I want to make sure I get it right. So far everything I have fixed is working great, But I need to replace the TPS and I want to make sure I have a simple set of instructions to follow.

Thank you again for all your help
Steve F

Author:  blondecollector [ Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hope that helps.


Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  TPS adjustment

Blondecollector it helped a lot thank you for your e-mail

Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  TPS Problem

BlondeCollector wanted to let you know that your instructions were very helpful, I changed TPS and MAP and she lives its up and running strong!!!!!!!!!!

Thnak you very much.

Author:  blondecollector [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to hear you are runnin again.

:arrow: :arrow:

Author:  Iron 82 [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

blondecollector wrote:
Glad to hear you are runnin again.

:arrow: :arrow:

I also would like to say that! :D

Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  TPS problems.

Sorry guys I spoke too soon, I misunderstood my mechanic. We put the new TPS on but we have to adjust it, in the mean time we put the MAP sensor on too. He told me we got a quick chek engine light. And then it went out. We ran out of time today to adjust the TPS and then put a meter on it to check the Check engine light but will get to that tomorrow.

In the mean time he said its still loading up., when you crack the throttle. He did say since we rebuilt all the throttle bodies and fuel regulators that the spray is perfect and strong.

Author:  WARRIOR2291 [ Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Fuel loading up problem

Well here I am again folks I changed the TPS and the MAP sensor. Everything went perfect. I followed the instructions to the letter in the Helms book. Guess what my fuel loading problem is still there. I have changed every part including rebuilding the throttle bodys. The only thing I have not changed is the fuel injectors.

Does anyone know where I can buy a new front and rear injector. I ahve no idea or help what to do. I have check for vacum leaks, tighented all bolts and nuts nothing is loose no air leaks . No Check engine light.

I don't know what else to do. Although I think it is not a sensor related problem. Car starts fine idles fine crack the throttle and it dumps to much fuel. The only thing I can do is change the injectors. The spray pattern with a timing light looks more like drops than a fine mist...........

Author:  82ColEd [ Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Drops doesnt sound too good.. Sorry you are going through all of this. Silly question: Did you try and run a tank through the car with Injector Cleaner? When we asked a real good Vette tech, thats the first thing he points to.. Techron is what he suggested. Get a bottle at your local car parts store and run a full tank through the injectors. See if that doesnt clear it up. Might be something stuck in there.. :wink:

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