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Author:  vette_guy [ Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  CHECK ENGINE LIGHT NOT WORKING..............

Junior Member

Joined: 13 Sep 2003
Posts: 8
Location: Greece,NY
Posted: 19 May 2004 05:07 pm Post subject: CHECK ENGINE LIGHT NOT WORKING..............


The Check Engine light doesn't work on vette. The bulb has been checked and when you jumper it it will come on. I need to know where the lamp driver is located.
Is it next to the computer? Also there are some relays and wiring next to the computer. Can anyone tell me what they are?

Any help is appreciated.

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Posted: 21 May 2004 03:43 am Post subject:


The driver is inside the ECM, however when the light does not come on when ign. is switched on there may be a problem with the RAM power for the ECM. Check the orange lead comoing from the junction block in the battery compartment (outside wall), there's a fuse in it...if it's gone replace it.

The relays and wires next to the ECM are the fuel pump relay, the ESC (knock retard, it's on the back of your ECM), the gold colored thing is the e cell timer...there's a lot more of those boxes, on the other side too.

Author:  1yy07 [ Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

on the WHITE connector to the ecm check pin #20 is the lamp driver. :shock:

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